Saturday, December 10, 2011

TeeDroid Caddy

Smartphones have a way of reducing the gadgets you need to carry with you. Besides calling and texting, the phone has the ability to do things that its predecessor could only dream of. Not only can you use your phone to listen to music, take pictures, update your facebook status, you can now use your smartphone as a to store your golf scores and as a golf GPS device.

My friend recently showed me the TeeDroid Caddy, which she promised me you can download at no charge. All you are required to do is to register at their website. Usually apps could be found in both iPhone and Android-based smartphone. If it only exist for one type of smartphone, it is more likely the app is only iPhone supported. While this app is available for different platforms, the designer chooses to focus on Android to develop this app further.

So if like me, you are an Android smartphone user and a golfer, than reap the benefit that this app provides. It listed many of the golf courses in United States and Europe and the necessary statistic that only a caddy seem to know. It shows you where the sandpit is before you can even see it. As the app calculates the distance (using GSP) to tell you how far the front, middle or the bank of the green is, it helps in choosing which club to us.

So here is to app designers loyal to Android!

Friday, December 9, 2011

There is a (Golf) App for That

I recently upgraded to a smart phone and was able to download some golf apps. I guess I shouldn't be surprise at the wide array of golf apps available. The apps cover a wide spectrum. There is games, ways to keep golf score, information on golf scores and tools to help analyze your swing.

What caught my attention was an app called Golf Swing Form Check. Using a photo shot of your swing, with this app, you area able to draw lines to check if you have the right posture, angles etc. Fortunately, the buttons have picture to show what it is for because the words on the apps is actually all in Japanese. So while someone who doesn't know Japanese would not recognize the word for draw, the picture of a pencil would help the person make an educated guess.

I am eager to try it out, but weather would not permit (besides the temperature only being in the teens, the golf courses and ranges are all covered with at least 3 to 5 inches of snow. But looking at the reviews from people who have used it before, the positive reviews out-number the negative ones.

Besides it is free. If I don't really like it after trying it I only need to delete it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Golf Instructions

I was fortunate. When I first took up golf, it was through golf classes organized by Colorado State University. The university had an arrangement with City Park Nine and Doug Perry, PGA Professional, walk us through from how to swing a putter all the way to a correcting our swing.

Golfers who looked for instructions without recommendations may find it difficult to decide who to go with. All golf courses have a list of instructors that they can recommend, but how to choose which to go with? The prices range so widely that most people's can find something that fit their budget.

For some good advise visit Golf Training Exercises. It gives good advise to someone who is starting off. They provide lessons on basic golf, golf tips and how to choose a good instructor. Not sure if golf lesson is necessary or would even help? The website has something to say on that.

Broke after buying all the golf gear? Relax. The website provides virtual golf lessons as well.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Inexpensive Forms of Golf Exercise

My last post assumed that you have access to Fort Collins Club which has the golf stretch exercise cage available. What if you don't have membership at Fort Collins Club? Well I search the web for golf exercise that would help improve your golf game.

I found two videos that give good golf exercises. The first is a short routine which would be able to fit into most people's life style.

For those who are more disciple in their exercise routine might prefer this 20 minutes golf exercise workout.

It you need an exercise routine that focus on a particular area of your game, check out the videos by Cochran Golf Fitness. He has one for core stability, thoracic spine mobility, hip mobility and strength, and hamstring flexibility. He actually has more than what I have listed so if you are looking for other areas of golf exercises, search for it in youtube and you might just find what you are looking for.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stretching for Golf

I was visiting Fort Collins Club when I came across two interesting looking cage. It is a golf stretching cage.

It has horizontal, vertical and diagonal bars with a step. The equipment comes with exercises to strengthen different aspects of the golf game. Need a stronger grip or improve your swing? The exercises are broken into different groups based on what you wish you to strengthen.

I tried a few of the exercise and it makes exercising fun. Unfortunately I didn't realize how much strength I was exerting and had to pay with it by my aching muscles.

The cage might be too big for most houses but it's definitely beneficial for golfers to have access to it in the gym.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Golf Leagues

Working full-time and being a full-time student demands time management and looking way ahead. I have been known for last minute items but in order to make sense of my crazy world, I usually have to keep these to a bare minimum.

I have heard how fun golf leagues are, so I decided to check them out. Collindale Golf Course has some leagues in 2011 that perk my interest. Mondays Misfits and Wednesdays “No Pressure League” sounds promising to me.

Collindale Golf Course

Leagues are fun because you get to meet new people. In some leagues you are paired with a different team each week, and you get to improve your game and learn new tips. More importantly, you get to socialize and meet people that has the same interest to you.

So maybe you don’t have much time to spare (like me), but after joining one, you might be glad you made the time.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wii Tiger Woods PGA Tour Video Game

I like Thanksgiving. For once I don’t have to worry about cooking great food. All I had to do was turn up at my friend’s place, because she is a fantastic cook. Usually after the special meal, we would sit around and enjoy the football game.

This year, instead of the game, I get to play Wii Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 game. I played a PS2 game years ago that is kind of similar and was only somewhat impress. This game, on the other hand, blew my low expectations away. It almost felt like the real thing. I see Tiger Woods adjusting his clubs as I twisted my wrist while holding the Wii Remote. The image was imitating my actions! That was incredible.

The game also took into account real weather situation. If it is windy or raining at the real location, it will be the exact same kind of weather projected in my game. I was told the game is able to do that through the help of the Weather Channel. However, if you rather not have the challenge of the weather, you are also able to switch the feature off.

What amazes me most is that this game is actually two years old. There is already a Tiger Woods PGA Tours: The Masters out since March of this year. I am sure there will be something a little more advanced coming out soon to make that game old.

So will I go out and get myself the newest version. I don’t know, because I really like this one a lot. Unfortunately, I am such a terrible player and Tiger Woods scored so badly, he might just pay me never to play it again.