Sunday, December 4, 2011

Inexpensive Forms of Golf Exercise

My last post assumed that you have access to Fort Collins Club which has the golf stretch exercise cage available. What if you don't have membership at Fort Collins Club? Well I search the web for golf exercise that would help improve your golf game.

I found two videos that give good golf exercises. The first is a short routine which would be able to fit into most people's life style.

For those who are more disciple in their exercise routine might prefer this 20 minutes golf exercise workout.

It you need an exercise routine that focus on a particular area of your game, check out the videos by Cochran Golf Fitness. He has one for core stability, thoracic spine mobility, hip mobility and strength, and hamstring flexibility. He actually has more than what I have listed so if you are looking for other areas of golf exercises, search for it in youtube and you might just find what you are looking for.


  1. I think that these exercises would be beneficial for anyone who wanted to work on strengthening their bodies. I believe I will try them myself!

  2. Never have really got into golf, but thinking about picking it up next year since I work seasonally at a local country club and have free access to their course. Thanks for the videos, I'll keep these in mind if I do decide to hit up some golfing next summer.
