Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Insurance for Getting Hole-in-One

Most Americans feel they are forced to buy too much insurance. There is the compulsory car insurance, you drive, house or rental insurance, the expensive health insurance and for some people, the very necessary life insurance. But do you know that as golfers there is a golf insurance especially created for you.

At first I thought golf insurance is for insuring the clubs or golf cart against damage or thieve, but I was wrong. Golf insurance covers more than that. It covers loss of equipment, damages, injuries … and hole-in-one.

Everyone loves to get a hole-in-one, except for the cost of having to buy drinks for others. Shouldn’t it be the other way run, where others buy the “hole-in-oner” a drink? Well, since the rules said that the lucky person has to buy everyone else a drink, the memorable event can be costly. If the golfer has golf insurance, the insurance would cover a certain sum of the cost of the beverage. How much is covered probably depends on how much coverage you have.

If golf is a mind game, then taking the fear of having to empty your wallet will definitely help you do better.

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