Tuesday, September 20, 2011

S-B-S and Drop Your Pants

My general manager at my workplace heard about my last posting of my unforgettable shots and told me he had something similar. He was in a tournament and the ball was supposed to end up in a pond because he misjudged his shot, but there were two rocks by the pond that saved him. His whole group could hear the ball bouncing between the two rocks when all of a sudden the ball bounced out from the pond and landed on the green, inches from the hole. Because of that he actually won the “closest to the pin.” The others in the tournament tried to discount it but the marshal of the game said it stands. Such shot is so common there is actually a name for it – S-B-S (S*** But Satisfactory) Shot.

Then, I heard of a weird rule about tee-shot. What’s the rule? If a guy doesn’t hit past a women’s tee, he has to hit the ball with his pants down. I actually heard this when I was out on a golf date, and I wasn’t sure if my date was joking.

I asked my date if he saw anyone actually followed this rule. He said that once he was paired with a twosome. The twosome had way too many beers in the first 9-holes and in the second-9 holes, one of the them hit a bad shot which didn’t get passed the red tee. He dropped his pants for his second shot just when 2 women walked by. My date said the 2 women were outraged but the guy pull his pants back on after her finished his second shot.

I checked the web and found a facebook page dedicated to this one rule. YouTube has many video of this rule, so here is one.

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