Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome, Step Right In ...

When someone thinks of golf, most people picture lush green courses, dimpled white balls, bag of clubs and a sign that officials hold up to tell the crowd to be quiet.  It is always serious and players are always analyzing their swing and if their shot went straight, hook or slice.  

But there is actually more to golf than just that.  There are those who take up golf just to be out there with friends and for exercise.  Before I took up golf myself, I used to go out on the golf course with my ex-husband (we were still married back then) to enjoy the beauty of the scenery and to be with each other.  Besides it is a good walking exercise.  It definitely beats exercising on a treadmill for sure.

For all of you who took up golf just for the exercise and fun, like me, this blog was started with you in mind.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am just as excited as any other serious golfer when I land the ball right on the green at my first swing or if I played an amazing game.  But I am also amused with all the funny situations, shots and unbelievable things that take place on the golf course.  So join me each week on the funny side of golf.